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The Seduction Game Page 11

  “I used to,” she replied honestly. “Now I just want love. Something warm and caring. Something that can touch my soul.”

  “Your soul? That’s a tough requirement for any man to fulfill. What would touch your soul, Kate?”

  She smiled a little sadly. “Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? Only the man who truly knows me would be able to answer that question. Only the man who truly loves me would be able to touch me in such a profound way.” She shrugged, feeling a bit too exposed to him. Their line of conversation had taken a turn she hadn’t expected. “Funny thing is, I don’t even know how he would be able to touch my soul,” she murmured, “but I’m sure I’ll know it when he does.”

  He gave her an interested look. “Are you certain you’ll know when your soul has been touched?”

  “I hope so.” She wondered if Adam could touch her like that. If he could go beyond the physical and intellectual and reach deep down inside to her spiritual side and…and stir her, make her feel whole and alive.

  “Here we are,” he said as he pulled up in front of her home.

  She was so deep in thought she was surprised they had already reached her house. Quickly she undid her seatbelt and opened her door.

  “Please don’t get out. I have it,” she said, giving him a small smile.

  “When do you want to complete our bargain? Do I pick you up tomorrow night?”

  Kate was exhausted and she realized she needed some time to herself. One more night with Adam and it would be over between them. She wasn’t willing to end it so soon. “How about the evening after?”

  “Fine. Same time. Goodnight, Kate.”

  “Goodnight, Adam.” And she shut the door gently behind her.

  * * * *

  As soon as Adam drove off, he grabbed his cellphone and dialed Dana’s number.

  “I need your help,” he said curtly as soon as his sister answered the phone. “Are you up?”

  “It’s only eleven. Of course I’m up.”

  “How does a man touch a woman’s soul?” he asked. His sister may have been a thorn in his paw the past few years, but he knew she was the only person who could help him.

  “Hm. Does this have anything to do with Kate?”


  “And she told you this? She told you she needed her soul to be touched by a man?”

  Adam started to feel uncomfortable. He couldn’t believe how his life had changed since meeting Kate. How he had gone from a high-powered corporate mogul to asking his sister how to make a woman like him.

  “Yes,” he answered stiffly.

  There was a pause on the other line. He pictured his sister frowning. Dana wasn’t making fun of him, he realized. She was taking this seriously. That’s why he called her. If any other woman had told Adam she needed her soul to be touched, he would have presumed it meant more carats, but he knew Kate wasn’t most women. She kept a little boy’s castles encased in glass in her living room. She volunteered at the hospital and footed entire medical bills. And she’d been searching for years for her father’s painting, a painting she couldn’t find, a painting she cherished deeply, a painting that…that…Adam frowned darkly into the night and muttered a harsh curse word. Dammit! That was it!

  “Adam? You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” he clipped. “Would finding a painting her father made for her when she was ten years old touch her soul?” he asked abruptly, not caring if he sounded like a raving lunatic. “A painting she’s been trying to find for nearly twenty years?”

  “Absolutely,” Dana said. “Looks like you figured this one out all by yourself, bro.”

  “I have to call Kyle. And, Dana, thanks…just, thank you,” he added, his tone warming for the first time.

  “You’re welcome. Good luck, Adam,” she replied, her tone both warm and anxious. “I hope it works out for you. Kate’s really special.”

  “I know,” he countered quietly.

  Within two minutes of hanging up with Dana he had Kyle on the line. “This is your chance to prove to me you’re as good as you say you are.”

  Kyle laughed. “I need to prove it?”

  “I have a big job for you and money’s not an option.”

  “Two jobs in one week. I gather this one also has to do with Kate Moore?” Kyle asked, his tone taking a serious turn.

  “Have you ever done any lost and found?” Adam pulled alongside his high rise.

  “That’s one of my fortes, buddy. What am I looking for?”

  “A painting. Listen very carefully…”

  * * * *

  Two nights later, at nine-thirty in the evening, Kate found herself looking up at a beefy-looking doorman, his tight black T-shirt emphasizing his bulky arms. She was trying to give him her most simpering, sexy look as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

  This time she and Adam had laid out some ground rules when he picked her up at nine. She would enter Fantasies alone. He would not be too far behind to see if her bad girl persona could get her past the long line of people waiting to go into the exclusive night club.

  When Adam had first seen her when she’d opened the door his face had turned a dark shade of red as his dark gaze raked her from head to toe.

  “I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” he’d said, his tone hard.

  Kate had immediately tensed and brought a hand up to her teased long hair. Her blue contact lenses had fallen into the sink and her blonde wig was in the trash bin because she’d burnt it trying to curl the ends with a curling iron. So, without her disguise, she had had no choice but to go out as herself. She was donned up to the nines in make-up, skimpy, leopard-print mini dress and long, teased, wild hair, all cleavage and legs, compliments of Barbara, who’d spent two hours getting her ready.

  “Do I look ridiculous?” Kate had asked, embarrassed and afraid. Going out as the bad girl tonight had filled her with such dread, she’d had to beg Barbara to help her.

  “No. I’m afraid I’m going to have to fight off all the men who’ll want to take you home,” Adam had replied, his expression taking a possessive glint.


  Now, as she looked up at the doorman’s gaze resting on her cleavage, she wished Barbara had agreed to take her place. Kate’s logic had been that Barbara was used to wearing skimpy outfits on the runway, so this could have been like a job for her, but her sister hadn’t budged.

  “Do I really have to wait in this long line?” she asked, pouting.

  He gave her a head-to-toe sweep and without saying a word, he unclipped the rope from the pole beside him and let her in. Kate could hear some women voice their indignation behind her and she felt a twinge of compassion for them. No doubt they’d been waiting a long time.

  “Thank you,” she purred as she slinked her way by him, trying hard not to grimace in shame.

  Kate was hit with attention the moment she entered the club. Lewd attention. And she didn’t like it. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in one of the floor length mirrored walls and her stomach burned with humiliation. She needed to hide in the bathroom for a few minutes if she was going to get through the next half hour. And a half hour was all she could stomach. Anything more than that and Adam would have to carry her home.

  Adam. She was sure he wasn’t too far behind her, watching her, observing her. Her embarrassment grew.

  She made her way past the thick crowds, ignoring the wolf whistles directed her way, the ogling men, the leering smiles, until she pushed her way through the bathroom doors and practically collapsed on the counter. She couldn’t even bring herself to look in the mirror.

  “Love that dress,” said a brunette wearing the tiniest skirt and top next to her. “Where did you get it?”

  Kate dabbed some cold water behind her neck. “My…my sister picked it up. I’m not sure where she bought it.”

  “I love it.” The woman smiled.

  “Th…thank you.”

  Kate smiled politely and made her way out of the bathroom. She n
eeded a drink. She caught a glimpse of Adam through the crowd and her heart jolted at the look on his face. He was clearly not enjoying this. Tearing her gaze away from his irate features, she made her way to the bar and ordered a white wine. Even the bartender gave her a long, lascivious look and she decided she had had enough. Where was the appeal to bad girls who got this kind of attention, she wondered? There was no pleasure in it, no pride. She placed her glass on the counter and was about to get Adam when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and stared at a ridiculously handsome man whose healthy tan and gold chains made her think of an Italian movie star. Kate tensed.

  “Hello, you beautiful woman you,” he drawled.

  Kate offered him a brittle smile. “Hello.”

  “It’s okay for you for me to talk.”

  He was clearly not from around here. Her unease grew as she tried to think of a polite way to excuse herself.

  “You are virgin, yes?”

  “I beg your pardon?” she asked, nearly choking.

  “Virgin. Me, I am Lion.”

  Relief washed over her. “Oh, you mean a Virgo. And you’re a Leo.”

  He flashed her a smile and she was nearly blinded by his white, immaculate teeth. “Yes. You and me, we dance, yes?”

  Kate shook her head. “No thank you. I…I have to go. Er…enjoy your evening.” And she brushed past him in the direction of where she’d last seen Adam.

  Her research was done. Nice girl Kate ten. Bad girl Katrina zero. Nice girls received the pleasant, appreciative looks and engaging conversations. Bad girls got everything lewd and lascivious.

  Katrina may have garnered more attention, but it was the kind of attention Kate could do without. She looked around for Adam and came face-to-face with a man she never had any intentions of ever seeing again. She went cold.

  Simon. It was bound to happen, she thought ironically. In a city of eight million people, she was bound to run into him again.

  His hair was thinner and he’d put on a bit of weight, but he was still the same Simon, with his clear blue eyes and dazzling smile. Only this time he was clearly drunk.

  He stared down at her, recognition flooding his expression as shock turned into disbelief and then approval. Kate mentally willed Adam to come to her side.

  “I can’t believe it! Kate, is that you? You look absolutely stunning.”

  “Hello, Simon.” She ignored his compliment. It figured he would find her attractive as Katrina. “Long time no see.”

  He swooped down and hugged her. She kept her arms at her sides as she tried to squirm away from him. She hated the way he pressed his body close to hers. He withdrew after a few seconds, oblivious to her disinterest.

  “What have you been up to?’ he asked, smiling that same smile he used in college. Somehow, coming from a grown man with thinning hair and a slight paunch to his belly made it less attractive. “What a silly question. I hear you’re doing great. Your books are a big smash.”

  “Yes, they are,” she replied coolly. “Look, Simon, it was nice seeing you again, but I really have to go.”

  He gave her a sheepish look. “Sweetheart, I know you’re still angry with me, but you don’t know how hard it’s been trying to get you out of my mind.”

  Her stomach turned. “Oh? Was that before or after your first child?”

  His expression turned smug. “Been keeping tabs on me, eh? Don’t blame you. I know we had something special.” He took her arm and eyed her breasts. “Maybe we should get together sometime? You know, for old time’s sake.”

  She wrenched her arm away from his hand as anger bubbled in her chest. “I don’t think so. Where’s Miranda?”

  He shrugged. “At home.” He ran a hand through his blonde hair. “My God, Kate. I can’t believe how much you’ve changed. You look incredible.”

  Kate felt physically ill and she wondered what she ever saw in him. “I’m still the same person, Simon. I’m just wearing my hair different, have make up on, and I’m wearing different clothes.”

  “I like it.”

  Had he always been this shallow and she’d never realized it? Kate felt weary, tense, and uncomfortable all at once. She wanted Adam to take her home. Adam. Just the mere thought of him made her feel secure. “Go home to your wife, Simon.”

  He took her arm and pulled her towards him. She struggled against his sweaty hand. “Come on, Kate. I know you still want me. We can continue where we left off.”

  “Let me go, Simon. You’re drunk and you need to call a cab and go home.” He didn’t let go and she started to panic.

  Before she knew what was happening, a large hand grabbed Simon by the collar and hauled him away from her. She didn’t question who that hand belonged to.

  “You heard the lady.” Adam snarled. His energy was primal and he seemed ready to snap. Kate gasped at the white hot fury on his face.

  “Who the hell are you?” Simon demanded.

  “I’m a guy you don’t want to mess with.” And without saying another word, he took Kate’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  He led her out of the club as Kate scrambled to keep up with his quick pace. Once they got into his car, she took one look at his face and saw the fury of a caged animal darkening his handsome face.

  “That was Simon,” she said in a small voice.

  “I know. I heard you mention his name.”

  “Thank you for coming to my rescue.”

  He tossed her a dark look and remained silent.

  “I don’t know what I ever saw in him,” she murmured, almost to herself.

  “It wasn’t your fault. You were young. We’ve all made mistakes.”

  She noticed him turning off a road that didn’t lead to her house. “Where are we going?”

  “My place.”

  A different type of tension settled over her. “Oh.”

  Chapter 11

  Adam’s penthouse was spectacular, decorated in black and chrome with huge windows overlooking the city. She glanced around, admiring the leather couches and expensive art on the walls.

  She walked over to a painting of the ocean and admired its beauty when she heard Adam. She turned around to face him.

  His expression was intent, determined, as he took her chin gently. “Lips as beautiful as yours are not meant to be covered.” He proceeded to wipe off the burnt red lipstick with a linen napkin. Kate stared up into his handsome face. When he was done, he tossed the napkin on the floor by his feet, took her by the shoulders, and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Kate, I don’t know what men want, whether it’s the nice girl or the bad girl. All I know is what I want. You.” He lowered his head.

  The kiss was gentle and she closed her eyes as he drew her into his arms. She didn’t struggle. She wanted this. Kate sighed as she lifted her arms up along his arms, around his shoulders, to the back of his neck, stroking his hair. She heard the deep, almost inaudible moan from his throat, and a thread of excitement darted through her veins.

  He deepened his kiss as he ran his hands over her back and lower, cupping her bottom to press her against his evident arousal. A tremor ran though her body.

  She felt like every part of her body was alive for the first time in her life and she pressed up harder against him. This time he groaned and she opened her mouth and his tongue meshed and mingled with hers. She moaned. Being in his arms was perfect. It was right.

  And then he was carrying her to his bedroom. He removed her clothes in the moon’s glow. Kate knew she wasn’t model thin or perfect, and a stab of insecurity swayed her. Her hands went up to her breasts, but he stopped her.

  The look on his face made her forget everything she’d been thinking about. “Don’t. I want to see you,” he said hoarsely.

  And then he was naked too and she nearly gasped at the magnificence of his muscular body. Her gaze went lower, to his male sex, and she felt the first spasm of fear. She had only known Simon in her life and there was no comparison. Her expression must have clearly shown her thoug
hts because one look at his face and she caught the mixture of pride, desire, and need etched along his handsome planes.

  He took her hand and brought her to his king-sized bed. He lay down beside her as his hands trailed paths of heat over her flesh. He stroked her body and trailed hot kisses along her neck and shoulders. He caressed her breasts and she trembled with desire. Kate arched her neck, gasping at the sheer pleasure. With a deep, profound need she didn’t know existed in her, she ran trembling hands over his broad shoulders, his chiseled arms, and then lower, to a part of him that seemed draped in satin. His groan was almost primal, and she shivered despite the warm penthouse.

  “Kate, I can’t wait. I’ve waited too long,” he said as he covered his body with hers. And she didn’t want him to wait either.

  She wanted to be one with this man. She loved him. Kate ignored the sadness that threatened to disrupt this wonderful moment. She didn’t want to think about tomorrow and squeezed her eyes, as if in pain.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, concern flooding his features as his hands framed her face.

  She nodded. How could she tell him what was on her mind? She loved him and wanted to be with him tonight and all the tomorrows as well.

  He nudged her legs apart and settled between them. With his hands still framing her face his head came down and he kissed her with a passion that stirred her soul. Kate felt like she was being swept away, far from civilization, away from this life to a place where only she and he existed. She wrapped her legs around him and felt an almost desperate need to fill the throbbing need in her lower belly.

  He filled her and she gasped with pleasure. He stiffened, his passionate gaze darkening with deep concern as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and arched her body to meet his.

  “I’m all right. Don’t…don’t stop,” she said, gasping.

  They began to move in harmony.

  Thoughts of tomorrow still threatened to dull her pleasure, but she fought them, feeling another more powerful emotion taking over. Need.

  He bent his head and his mouth covered her breast, taking her crest in his mouth. A dart of electricity ran from her breast to the lower part of her body and she clung to him, convulsing in a series of passionate spasms. She dug her nails into his shoulders and stiffened. She cried out as wave upon wave of ecstasy washed over her.